Tuesday 31 July 2018

Rooney in America (Press Conference)

Journalist: "Wayne, you've had a few weeks to adapt to Washington life now. Has it been a bit of a journey into the unknown? What are your thoughts so far on this new adventure?"


“I've actually heard of Washington before. I've seen it mentioned a few times and so that's how I knew what it was.

“Sometimes back in England I had the news on and they had a reporter in Washington. Now i'm in Washington. For me, that says it all.

“When I was really young, I might have thought Washington was something to do with washing. But those times have long gone. This isn't washing, it's a city."

“Apparently DC stands for District of Colombia. If i'm honest with you, I had no idea I was eligible to play for Colombia, but the lads don't seem to mind."

“From the pictures on TV back home, I knew I was moving to a place which looked like what it looked like on TV. Now that I've been here a few weeks, I can confirm that it looks like that."

“When I think of Washington, I think of America. America is a big country and I think Washington is a big city. I personally have big ambitions, so the move seemed right.

“I've said it before but I'm not here to do any washing..."

“...it may sound like Washington is all about washing, but for me its about football. Maybe sometimes I'll do some washing, you know, the usual... pants, socks, trousers... but look, at the end of the day, you're not here to listen to me talk about washing."

“I actually know a lot about the place already. I've seen Minority Report maybe 10, 15 times. It's brilliant! I love Tom Cruise. I haven't seen him yet, but I'll keep an eye out."