Saturday 27 December 2014

Sustainable Energy - Hell on Earth

As we already know, leading meteorologists have proven climate change to have no anthropogenic predetermining causes. Contrary to what some would lead you to believe, the so-called solution to this pseudo-problem is in fact much more dangerous than any impact experienced in human history.

Greenhouse gas emissions will not have any significant impact, whereas the evils of solar panels, wind turbines, and wave energy turbines will leave your children in peril. Before we know it, all of our natural resources which we take for granted, will all cease to exist. They are sold as renewable, but this is far from the truth.

The first of the globally-foreign man-made intrusions is solar panels, something that should have never scarred the Earth's surface. Ultraviolet radiation emitted from the sun is being absorbed by the Earth at an rapidly increasing rate as the number of panels exponentially increases. You may have noticed it being a lot darker recently than it was only a few months ago, proving this to be the case. It is general knowledge that one cannot simply absorb a resource for an infinite amount of time; Eventually all of said resource will be depleted from its source.

This is what is happening, what we are being tricked into. Our sun is being consumed by the evil that is man. The true anthropogenic disaster that is facing us. Solar panels are literally sucking the light out of our only sun.

Impacts of a sunless world include the demise of farming, desperately low temperatures and aesthetics of our beautiful British landscapes being severely impeded. But other, less obvious repercussions are equally as worrying.

Sunlight contains a micro-bacterial substance rich in keratin known as 'Unguikeraphate". This bacteria is beamed down in solar rays and penetrates through the ectodermal tissue of our skin, before being pumped around our body inside red blood cells until it reaches the bodily extremities of head, finger and toe. Once here it fashions a protective surface in the form of hair and nail. In a future of no sunlight the human race, left bald and nailless, will be more susceptible to injuries in these extremities such as a scabby head or infected finger-ends. Unattractive.

Like solar panels, wind turbines have the similar effect of molesting the natural environment. The technology used within the turbine generator uses a Ventivate to leach the power of natural air flow, ultimately eventuating in a worldwide pressureless system. Being either strongly or gently blown will be a distant memory. 

Human skin has a uniquely structured composition, which if left still for long periods of time, decreases in viscosity as it gradually alters state into a liquid. Liquid skin has been seen, but only in rare cases presently. The condition has seldom been reported as those affected are introverts who spend their life in recluse.

The consistent nature-draining theme continues in the form of wave and tidal energy. Waves originate from a kinehydrotic function, based on the fundamental principle that water cannot be controlled and is completely unpredictable in its nature. Once an intervening "renewable energy" object is placed within the system, the random, chaotic energy of the water is converted into electricity, simultaneously depleting the oceans of wave power. 

Waves hold great importance in terms of moistening the atmosphere. Still waters would mean that the human population will on average be 18% dryer, and therefore have to hydrate themselves more frequently. One way to do this could be to drink one-selves liquid skin, a cycle which would be sustainable as the consumed skin would soon again become new liquid skin, providing further hydration. But do we really want to be constantly drinking our own skin? I think not.

This concrete evidence presents the paramount importance of stopping the use of renewable energy. An energy which ironically uses up all its necessary inputs to be sustainable, whilst also leaving us in complete darkness, drinking our bald, nailless selves.